Love Who Looks Back At You In The Mirror - clicknar

Monday, October 8, 2018

Love Who Looks Back At You In The Mirror

Real Beauty Breakthrough

Love Who Looks Back At You In The Mirror

I’m gonna teach you a little mind control technique to help you fall in love with your reflection…
Without having to do anything “woo woo” or any off the wall stuff…
Are you aware that self-worth is your appearance self-esteem?
… That’s the feeling of satisfaction you have with the way you look.
The happier you are with the way you look…
The higher your self-esteem is…
And you know self-esteem is high when you feel like you can handle anything that comes your way…
The trick I want to share with you is called “framing” and that means the stories we tell ourselves…
Many women who suffer from the signs of aging looking in the mirror tell themselves that their beauty is fading…
And it’s not their fault…
They look at their beauty this way, what with airbrushed models on magazine covers…
No matter your age if you “frame” your beauty is fading you’ll keep lowering your self-worth and self-esteem.
I’ve needed to use the “framing” technique on myself many many times…
Here’s what worked for me:
Admire beautiful celebrities yes, but find other heroes, people who do not trade on their looks for a living and discover the beauty they offer.
Define yourself as more than your looks… Think about your talents, skills, family, relationships, and what you offer the world.
Don’t freak out (too much) during bad hair, bad dress, or bad looks days… They happen to us all, they suck, but tomorrow is a new day.
Give up the makeup for 24 hours (best to do this when you are at home and undisturbed) you might be surprised just how gorgeous you are (and there’s heaps of benefits like letting your skin breath)
Focus on keeping healthy… Swap one bad food for one good food… You know the drill, and if you’re a regular reader of the newsletter you’re probably aware that all the advice in the beauty breakthrough is small shifts in lifestyle soon mount up to big changes.
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